
Plug and Pay is a simple embeddable Javascript snippet that allows you to add a CHARGE button to a web page to initiate a transaction on a Poynt terminal with a single click.

Get Started Guide

To create a button that charges a specified amount to a device, simply insert the snippet below where you want the button to appear.


CHARGE button

Note: If no serial number or device ID is specified, the payment will be initiated on all the devices belonging to the merchant store that authorizes this transaction.


The first time you the merchant clicks the button they will be prompted to log in to their account to authorize initiating payments on their terminal.

PnP Login PnP Login PnP Login

All subsequent clicks will provide a visual indicator while the payment is in progress,

Waiting for Payment

and when payment is completed or failed/canceled.

Payment Approved

Script Attributes

Required params

Optional params

Other customizations

To handle the payment status, implement the following code:

window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
  var data = e.data;
  var eventName = data.eventName;
  var payload = data.payload;	// contains transactions data

  if (eventName === 'CHARGE_BEGIN') {
      // Transaction initiated
  } else if (eventName === 'CHARGE_COMPLETE') {
      // Transaction complete
  } else if { eventName === 'CHARGE_TIMEOUT') {
      // Request timed out

In the above javascript payload will contain a JSON object with an array of one of more transaction:

  "referenceId": "d9eeb461-870c-4b9b-aa10-2e57510ab781",
  "status": "PROCESSED",
  "transactions": [
      "action": "SALE",
      "amounts": {
        "cashbackAmount": 0,
        "currency": "USD",
        "orderAmount": 1200,
        "tipAmount": 0,
        "transactionAmount": 1200
      "authOnly": false,
      "context": {
        "businessId": "2ac806d1-73e7-40c3-94ec-be2bb401a2df",
        "businessType": "TEST_MERCHANT",
        "employeeUserId": 17371213,
        "mcc": "5812",
        "mid": "e10zu3b7xs",
        "source": "INSTORE",
        "sourceApp": "co.poynt.services",
        "storeAddressCity": "Palo Alto",
        "storeAddressTerritory": "California",
        "storeId": "992e7a4e-65e6-4919-825e-8b0f2f63a592",
        "storeTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "tid": "56uw"
      "customerLanguage": "en",
      "fundingSource": {
        "card": {
          "cardHolderFirstName": "TESTCARD",
          "cardHolderFullName": "ELAVONTEST/TESTCARD",
          "cardHolderLastName": "ELAVONTEST",
          "encrypted": true,
          "expirationDate": 31,
          "expirationMonth": 12,
          "expirationYear": 2019,
          "keySerialNumber": "FFFF9876543210E000D9",
          "numberFirst6": "412493",
          "numberLast4": "9990",
          "track1data": "4ED7DFCDF6123B91CC4AE7EF904BBCF8173A5553EAA29544FCF10C17B64099E5B08F5EEDDF8B21BAF72F913F65E400CDBD37E523C3F3797D23096D2C9C6B4BDE2F0D75C815146A82A475BE744C8B1955",
          "track2data": "32DFBBC8BB70E1CBB3BD8DFFD70423CC33FC2976C10235753D492C0CC05C0369B5EA9328CCA20740",
          "type": "VISA"
        "emvData": {
          "emvTags": {
            "0x5F24": "191231",
            "0x1F815D": "49",
            "0x5F20": "454C41564F4E544553542F5445535443415244",
            "0x1F8104": "39393930",
            "0x1F815F": "07",
            "0x1F8103": "343132343933",
            "0x5F2A": "0840",
            "0x1F815E": "26",
            "0x1F8102": "FFFF9876543210E000D9",
            "0x5F30": "901F",
            "0x1F8160": "02",
            "0x1F8161": "00",
            "0x1F8162": "00",
            "0x5F36": "02",
            "0x57": "32DFBBC8BB70E1CBB3BD8DFFD70423CC33FC2976C10235753D492C0CC05C0369B5EA9328CCA20740",
            "0x58": "",
            "0x9F39": "02",
            "0x1F8153": "263897F9",
            "0x56": "4ED7DFCDF6123B91CC4AE7EF904BBCF8173A5553EAA29544FCF10C17B64099E5B08F5EEDDF8B21BAF72F913F65E400CDBD37E523C3F3797D23096D2C9C6B4BDE2F0D75C815146A82A475BE744C8B1955"
        "entryDetails": {
          "customerPresenceStatus": "PRESENT",
          "entryMode": "TRACK_DATA_FROM_MAGSTRIPE"
        "type": "CREDIT_DEBIT"
      "id": "77462c66-a32e-452f-9e9d-53269e9bef30",
      "processorResponse": {
        "acquirer": "ELAVON",
        "approvalCode": "066923",
        "approvedAmount": 1200,
        "processor": "ELAVON",
        "status": "Successful",
        "statusCode": "0",
        "transactionId": "101117A15-29F0CAE6-C9B0-4293-BDE6-574007BD7B95"
      "references": [
          "customType": "referenceId",
          "id": "d9eeb461-870c-4b9b-aa10-2e57510ab781",
          "type": "CUSTOM"
      "signatureCaptured": true,
      "signatureRequired": true,
      "status": "CAPTURED"